You don’t need to be a professional photograph to take the best shots with these tips.
A picture says a thousand words. It is important to take the best photos you can in order to make your listing stand out from the crowd and to lure leads to want to find out more. The right marketing does wonders for your business and in the real estate world that starts with each listing on your website.
1. Tidy.
This is your opportunity to have a clear out to make sure the property is looking at its best. It is important to do this ahead of viewings as a property that presents better will sell or let quicker and will also warrant a higher price tag. Ask your client to take some time to declutter and tidy away, especially items that look out of place. Photos of a room filled with belongings and furniture will look less appealing and it will be hard to decipher the characteristics of the room. First impressions do count so make sure that it is good one.
2. Select the right equipment.
Even if you aren’t a professional photographer, this is no reason why you cannot upgrade your equipment to order to achieve a professional look. A good camera will take a great photo providing that you take time to understand how to work it. Many cameras have an automatic shooting option so start here as a basis. Do your homework and practice, and it will quickly pay off.
3. Take time.
Spend time altering the lighting. Avoid shooting at night when you have no natural back light, but also do not shot into the glaring sun. This is your opportunity to take some test photos to see what works and whether there is anything glaring out that alters the look of the photo, such as a big blue rug that takes over the snap!
4. Select the best only.
There is no need to upload every single photo. Edit and be selective in the ones you choose. Images of unmade beds or messy rooms certainly will not work, so think of your listing as an advertisement for a five-star hotel and you will quickly get the business rolling in!