Newly Completed Warehouse Taman Industri Alam Jaya, Bandar Puncak Alam .

Selangor, Kuala Selangor, Bandar Alam Perdana
Rent: RM 72,000 / month
Warehouse / Factory for rent in Bandar Alam Perdana, Selangor
Full description

Listing ID: Newly Completed Warehouse Taman Industri Alam Jaya, Bandar Puncak Alam .

Warehouse / Factory for rent in Bandar Alam Perdana, Selangor

Newly Completed Warehouse Taman Industri Alam Jaya, Bandar Puncak Alam
* Built up approx 40,000 sq ft
* Land area 84,809 sq ft
* Power supply up to 800 Amps
* Column height (Floor to the eaves) 40 feet
* Type of sprinkler system - Normal system complies with BOMBA
* Loading area - Not yet built, but can be added on later
* Floor Load Capacity - Around 10 tonnes per square meter
* Small 2 storey office (Built up 3,000 sqft)
* CCC obtained
* Asking Rental RM1.80 per sq ft
* Rental Price RM72,000 per month
Shafiq Chua REN41874
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